华擎B95M-DGS 主板 BIOS

1. 打开计算机电源后按 <F2> 或 <Del>

使用 < 键或 > 键选择菜单栏上的选项,并使用 ^ 键或 v 键上下移动光标以选择项目,然后按 进入子屏幕。 esc退出当前屏幕。

2. 超频工具,CPU配置, speedstep技术,禁用

3. 高级,CPU配置, 增强型空闲状态 (C1E),禁用

4. 高级,芯片组配置,板载hdmi hd 音频,开启

5. 高级,芯片组配置,深度睡眠,在S4-S5开启

6. 高级,存储配置,sata模式,选择 AHCI

7. 高级,USB配置,intel usb3.0模式,开启

8.引导,引导选项 #1 UEFI:kingstonDT..

9. F10保存更改并退出

Set the SATA mode to AHCI. If Windows 8.1/8/7 is already installed under IDE mode, directly changing the SATA mode to AHCI may cause Windows8/7 to crash while booting. If your system is not in AHCI mode, please follow the instructions below.

1. Press Win + R simultaneously in Windows 8/7, type “Regedit” into the wordbox then click OK.

2. Enter into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\
msahci in Windows Registry Editor. Double click on the value Start and change the value from 3 into 0. Click on OK.

3. Exit the Registry Editor window and restart the computer.

4. Press F2 to enter BIOS, then go to Advanced ‐> Storage Coniguration and change SATA Mode to AHCI. Press F10 to save changes and exit.

5. Enter Windows 8/7. Windows will discover the new device and install AHCI drivers automatically.